Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU) has initiated preparations for an international hackathon as part of the Smart Manufacturing Innovation, Learning Labs, and Entrepreneurship project (https://smart-dll.tntu.edu.ua/about/). The hackathon is set to be held at the Polytechnic of Milan. Students from four faculties actively participated in the inaugural training session. Inter-faculty teams have been meticulously formed, fostering an integrative approach that allows participants to deepen their knowledge and cultivate skills through collaborative engagement with students from diverse professional fields. They were introduced to the fundamentals of hackathons and closely examined various development tools, all under the expert guidance of mentors. Right from the outset, an atmosphere of unwavering enthusiasm and boundless creativity permeated the session. During the training, we diligently focused on Mentor-Student and Student-Mentor dynamics, with participants thoroughly elucidating their interests and ideas.

The central theme of the training revolved around the development of groundbreaking solutions and the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies in the realm of Smart Manufacturing. We explored the potential for integrating the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies to optimize production processes and enhance overall business efficiency. Participants eagerly tackled practical tasks aimed at honing their creative and technical prowess. The subsequent meeting is meticulously planned to deepen further participants’ understanding of the technical and creative aspects of working on hackathon projects.

We’re making significant strides in preparing for the Hackathon, a vital component of the Smart Manufacturing, Innovation, Learning Labs, and Entrepreneurship initiative. The event took place on October 13th, and it marked the second meeting of the TNTU SMILE team, comprising Tetiana Vitenko, Yuriy Skorenky, Natalya Marinenko, Liliya Melnyk, and Iryna Strutynska. The team approached their tasks with unwavering enthusiasm. So, what did we accomplish today?

We delved deep into brainstorming and developing innovative ideas and concepts for projects that have the potential to bring about significant change on a global scale.

With meticulous attention to detail, we researched the technical tools and resources required to bring our ideas to life.

We embraced a project-centric mindset and dedicated ourselves to prototyping to breathe life into our ideas. Our aim goes beyond just creating projects; we aspire to shape the future of technology and innovation.

We initiated a productive partnership with leading companies to create a reservoir of ideas consisting of practical business cases to resolve contemporary challenges in the business world.

We took on the challenge of solving the first practical case presented by the USC Ukrainian Weighing Company. In our previous meeting, we engaged in a crucial discussion with the company’s CEO, Ivan Movchan, alongside our team.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • We actively encouraged interaction and the exchange of viewpoints between the TNTU team and our USC Ukrainian Weighing Company colleagues.
  • We seized the opportunity for an engaging dialogue and made inquiries that granted us a deeper understanding of the specific challenges faced by the company.
  • Effective communication and the ability to explore the finer details were precious. We extend our gratitude for the openness and cooperation and are confident that this case study will be a pivotal step for both parties in achieving their objectives.